rigotti cables ancona

How to order

Um… I apologise, but there is no ‘online shop’ page so you can pick up one of my cables.

The reason for this is simple: I like to think of myself as an ‘old-school’ craftsman, and I literally love talking to people. I can’t imagine there being no human contact, or having to leave all the negotiation and the opportunity to get to know a musician… to a web page.

So everything is simplified: you want a lead? You have to talk to me.

Contact me and we’ll have a chat, you’ll explain what you need and I’ll figure out how to build the perfect cable for your needs.

Here are my contact details, choose the one you prefer!

Email: gianluca.rigotti@rigotticables.com

Phone (also whatsapp): +39 335 1360105

Facebook: rigotticables

Instagram: rigotticables